Head Office: 691-W, Phase 3, DHA, Lahore, Pakistan
Emcon Enterprises
Whether it is a shaker of pretty pink salt on a tabletop or the calming light from a softly glowing lamp, you’ve probably seen Himalayan Rock Salt. You’ve probably heard about it, too.
Himalayan Rock Salt is mined in the foothills of Himalayan mountains known as the Salt Range located 300 km away from the Himalayas into Pakistan. Geologists peg the formation of this region at around 800 million years prior.
It’s believed that a small inland sea was trapped between shifting tectonic plates. The sea eventually dried out and formed the Salt Range that matured under intense tectonic pressure and alchemized over millions of years into a special energized crystalline form in a process analogous to how coal gradually becomes a diamond.
Around 250 million years ago, those same sea salt ranges went through a big change due to fire and ice. First, the volcanic activity covered these crystallized salt beds in lava. After being coated with a protective layer of lava, things cooled off. The ice age came in afterward, blanketing the salt under a layer of snow and ice. Because of this double layer of protection, Himalayan Rock Salt is free from pollutants, toxins and dirt that embeds itself in other salt-laden areas.
The salt lay nestled in its protective cocoon for millennia, soaking up minerals and remaining pure from pollutants and toxins. But one day, it was finally discovered — by Alexander the Great.
Well, that’s not entirely true. It was actually Alexander’s horses.
The horses kept licking the salt-rich rocks around the area. The soldiers wanted to find out why and finally, the secret of the Himalayan Rock Salt was uncovered. And the rest is history!
Himalayan Salt is not any ordinary salt but is undeniably a magnificent blessing of nature with infinite benefits. It is the purest form of salt found on earth which makes it highly valuable in its existence and an addition of a single Himalayan Salt product in life can change it in many healthy ways.
Just like common table salt, Himalayan Salt is used for cooking, grilling, roasting, preserving, seasoning and adding flavor to the food.
There are different variants of edible Himalayan Salt ranging from shades of pink, peach and orange to rare white crystalline salt and black salt. Grain sizes range from extra-fine, powdered to coarse, granules and chunks that you can crush at home.
Himalayan Salts have an advantage over rest of the table salts that they are additive-free, unrefined and no anti-caking agents are used to prevent clumping while storage. They have a longer shelf time than other salts.
The typical table and cooking salt in our grocery stores have been bleached and 'chemically cleaned'. What remains after that is just sodium chloride – an unnatural chemical form of salt. This form of salt is in almost every preserved product that we eat. Therefore, when we add more salt to our already salted food, our body receives more salt than it can dispose of. This is important as over 90% of the money that people spend on food is for processed food. Typical table salt crystals are totally isolated from each other. In order for our body to try to metabolize table salt crystals, it must sacrifice tremendous amounts of energy. Inorganic sodium chloride can keep us from an ideal fluid balance and can overburden our elimination systems. When our body tries to isolate the excess salt, we are typically exposing it to, water molecules must surround the sodium chloride to break them up into sodium and chloride ions in order to help your body neutralize them. To accomplish this, water is taken from our cells in order to neutralize the unnatural sodium chloride. For every gram of sodium chloride that our body cannot get rid of, our body uses 23 times the amount of cell water to neutralize the salt. This results in a less-than-ideal fluid balance in the cells and we lose precious intracellular water.
Himalayan Salt is enriched with natural minerals and widely touted for its mineral content, containing 84 minerals in total. These 84 minerals are in an ionic form which is molecular instead of colloidal like regular table salt. It is, therefore, more easily absorbed and much more useable by our bodies than any other salt. Himalayan Salt is a treasure of minerals that contain up to 98% sodium chloride and the remaining 2% is composed of trace minerals including iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. It also contains traces of boron, fluoride, iodine, zinc, selenium and copper, all of which are necessary for our health. These minerals give a pink tint to the Himalayan Pink Salt. These minerals also explain why Himalayan Salt tastes different from the usual table salt.
As a naturally occurring salt, Himalayan Salt contains all these minerals without chemical processing or refinement. Because it is harvested naturally, Himalayan Salt’s mineral benefits are available regardless of what form the salt is consumed in. Furthermore, it is believed that adding Himalayan Salt to our food may help overcome many diseases and health problems like:
stimulates blood circulation
relaxes our entire body
soothes sore muscles
balances body’s pH level
boosts energy levels
stabilizes blood pressure
improves hydration and regulates water content throughout our body
creates an electrolyte balance
aids in proper metabolism functioning
strengthens bones and helps in osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatism
helps intestines absorb nutrients
acts as a strong natural antihistamine
prevents gout & gouty arthritis
prevents varicose and spider veins
clears lungs of mucus
helps with asthma and cystic fibrosis and supports healthy respiratory systems and sinuses
stabilizes irregular heartbeat
supports hormone balance
regulates the sleep
eliminates harmful bacteria and toxins from our body
iron, which gives pink salt its color, is necessary for the body's production of hemoglobin
potassium helps to keep our heart healthy and supports muscle function
magnesium supports heart and kidney function and can help relieve symptoms of asthma
Black Himalayan Salt is purplish/pinkish grey rather than black in color. It has a distinctive taste, mildly sulfurous and mineral, similar to hard-boiled egg yolks, and is rich in iron. Black Himalayan Salt is used as a condiment, rather than a cooking ingredient. It is used extensively in international cuisine as well as in Ayurvedic medicine for its therapeutic benefits. It is used in snacks, pickles, chutneys, raitas (yogurt-based salads), providing the tangy fresh flavor in snacks. It is often used by people with high blood pressure or on low-salt diets because it does not contain significant amounts of sodium. It is also believed to relieve both heartburn and flatulence. It is a great mix-up of natural rock salt and herbals, which is unique in taste. It is available in the shape of chunks, granules, lumps and fine powder.
Today we are living in an environment that is highly polluted and pollutants are of numerous kinds and nature i.e smoke, dust and electromagnetic radiations having different frequencies. In short, we all are being bombarded by stress creating but invisible waves and allergens released by computer monitors, laptops, tablets, TV screens, cell phones, refrigerators, microwave ovens, air conditioners, heaters, high tension wires, telecom towers, printers, dryers, vacuum cleaners, radio receivers & transmitters, radars, x-ray machines, just to name a few creating an electrical imbalance in the air. Moreover, injurious omissions of gases from automobiles, factories, dust and smoke, all are floating around us through positively charged ions dubbed as ‘electronic smog’ or ‘electronic air pollution’
Positively charged ions adversely affect our bodies and brain causing asthma, insomnia, bronchitis, sinus problems, allergies, flu, coughing, increased nervousness, migraine and many other stress related disease. Constant exposure to Electromagnetic radiation is known to increase stress levels, cause chronic fatigue and decrease the body’s immune response, among other things. On the other hand, negative ions have long been considered healthy; the sea air, mountain air and the air around swiftly running water is high in negative ions.
Himalayan Salt, which is used to create Himalayan Salt lamps, is one of today’s most sought-after items in the world of nutrition and holistic health. Over the years, researchers and health experts have discovered a plethora of uses for this incredible product. Many health practitioners in Europe, North America, Australia and Japan use the Salt Crystal Lamps extensively in their recommended treatments of allergies, neuralgia, hypertension, respiratory problems, rheumatism, kidney or liver conditions, hormonal imbalance, sinus, migraine headaches, blood system diseases and asthma attacks.
They enhance the immune system, increase alertness, increase work productivity, increase lung capacity and reduce susceptibility to colds and flu.
Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps are natural negative ion generators when they are slightly warmed by the internal light bulb. They are hygroscopic in nature. As soon as the lamp gets heated, it releases water molecules or you can say negative ions — the “vitamins of the air” — working like natural ionizers attaching themselves to airborne microscopic particles of dust, fungus, mildew, pet dander, pollen and odors, neutralizing positive ions and reducing a myriad of indoor air pollutants.
Negative ions supercharge the air around a Himalayan Salt lamp just like the clean air around a waterfall, on a mountain top, at the seashore or after a thunderstorm.
People who suffer from allergies and asthma, notice a big difference after a week or two.
The truth is, anyone can benefit from the use of Himalayan Salt lamps. Once plugged in and begin to glow, healing and happiness follow.
They are a natural way for people of all ages to have fewer symptoms such as allergies, asthma, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, and any other sort of breathing problem. People who suffer from constant nasal allergies have found tremendous relief through the use of these lamps. Anyone who wants to feel better and wants less breathing and sinus problems can do so with salt lamps.
All of these benefits are from an all-natural product without any side effects. Even people who lead very stressful lives have felt calmed through the use of genuine Himalayan Salt lamps.
If you constantly feel tired and don’t know why, try keeping a Himalayan Salt lamp in the room or rooms where you spend the most time. After about a week, you should notice a difference.
Another side effect that results from over-exposure to positive ions in the air is that it robs you of quality sleep. This happens because those positively-charged particles can actually reduce blood and oxygen supply to the brain resulting in irregular sleep patterns. Himalayan Salt lamps being natural negative ion generators, can help reverse this problem. Also when placed near your bed, the Himalayan Salt lamps will make it easier to sleep, since you won’t find yourself waking up throughout the night from coughing and stuffiness. Keep one or two around your bedroom to improve the air quality so you can get a better night’s sleep. If you can’t sleep unless the room is totally dark, you can always turn the lamp off at bedtime. Just leave it on for the rest of the day so it can do its work while you’re awake.
Today, the health benefits of Negative Ions are well recognized all over the world. While most ionizers in the market are man-made machines, the Himalayan Salt lamps are a beautiful, less costly, maintenance-free, natural alternative of Mother Nature to improve air quality. With time, the Salt Crystal Lamps do not reduce in size, color or shape and do not lose their ionizing effect!
Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps are also the perfect decorative accent to any room in your home or at the office. They supercharge the office environment and inspire creative ideas, while increasing mental alertness and concentration. Bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, exercise rooms, office workstations, computer rooms, conference rooms, break rooms, hospital rooms, waiting rooms, hotel rooms, meditation or yoga areas, massage therapy areas, environments with pets indoor, smoking areas are perfect locations for Himalayan Salt lamps. Even restaurants, coffee shops and bar owners are changing the atmosphere of their businesses with Himalayan Salt lamps. The radiant illumination of the glowing lights supercharges the air and creates an enchanting environment that inspires your imagination, relieves stress and awakens your senses.
As a thumb rule, a lamp weighing 1 lb is required for every 10 square feet os space while below is an approximation
05'×05' 04-06 lbs
10'×10' 07-10 lbs
10'×15' 11-16 lbs
10'×20' 17-23 lbs
For larger rooms, more than one lamp may be required placing them in different areas of the room.
In addition to generating negative ions, the soft, natural light given off by a Himalayan Salt lamp is close enough to the warm glow of sunshine and can even be used to relieve the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. This year when the days get shorter, fight back the lethargy by surrounding yourself with Himalayan Salt lamps.
They have also been appreciated by Feng Shui art connoisseurs. You don’t know what you’re missing if you’ve never owned a Himalayan Salt lamp. It’s like having an open window – a softly glowing natural source of fresh, clean air – on your desk, in your living room, next to the bed, or anywhere you choose to put it.
Due to their beautiful and rich colors, Himalayan Salt lamps are also used in color therapy, i.e. Chromotherapy.
The colors of the salt crystal stones have a healing effect. The therapeutic value of the colored crystals can reorganize the epidermal layer of our skin. Tests made with kids having ADHD symptoms have shown that after only one week of exposure to crystal salt lamps, their symptoms subsided. After removing the lamps, the symptoms returned.
Chromotherapy is that, when we absorb color energy, it travels to the part of the body that needs it via our nervous system. Each body has its own optimum state of well-being and is constantly looking for ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Some of the colors in many of the lamps, when they are illuminated, take the original off-white pure salt with varying degrees of yellow, peach, orange and red shades to dark red. The natural variations in the color of Himalayan Salt lamps come from the iron oxides in salt crystal deposits. The combinations of colors are due to different densities of iron oxide veins in the salt crystal. Different color therapists have different views on the merits of different colors in the spectrum.
A respiratory stimulant, useful for weak lungs, asthma, consumption, emphysema, also for overweight and under-active people with an underactive thyroid gland.
Orange relieves spasms and cramps, corrects rickets, soft bones and osteoporosis, stimulates digestion and relieves flatulence and distension, stimulates the bladder, kidney, liver and pancreas.
Red/ Pink:
Warm and stimulating. Application for anaemia or if you feel cold and pale, chilled extremities, and also useful for UV and X-Ray burns and frostbite, red is a stimulant and liver counter-irritation. Red is the color that reinforces provocative vital forces and gives an energetic outlook on life.
The bright color. A strong stimulant and energizer for muscles and nerves used in all cases of paralysis and muscle aches, nerve-building and nervous exhaustion. Yellow stimulates the digestive tract and stimulates digestion, flow of bile, gastric juice, pancreatic activity, lymphatic system, heart, eyes and ears. It activates all bodily functions in general and helps in indigestion, constipation, diabetes, depression, and for skin cleansing and intestinal worms.
Aromatherapy is the practice of using natural oils to enhance psychological and physical well-being. It is the ancient art of healing and beautifying through scent. Himalayan Salt Aroma Therapy Diffuser Lamps gives the benefits of both a salt lamp and aromatherapy. They are also a great replacement of the aerosol room fresheners previously used as they contained many harmful chemicals and are also bad for the environment.
Salt therapy, also known as “halotherapy & speleotherapy” is a modern variation of an old Eastern European treatment. For many years, individuals in Eastern Europe have recognized the benefits of spending time underground in natural salt caves. Speleotherapy is a natural health alternative treatment for asthma, respiratory conditions, immune system disorder and illnesses.
While the beneficial health effects of basking in this salty environment have been known for centuries, Polish physician, Dr. Boczkowski, first recorded them in 1843 after observing the robust health of salt miners in the Wieliczka salt mine in Krakow.
Salt therapy is the recreation of these environmental factors above ground, reducing the significant travel, costs and inconveniences associated with spending time in natural caves deep below ground. The first Halotherapy salt chambers opened in the 1960s in Eastern Europe. As Halotherapy grew more popular in the 1980s and 1990s, health and beauty resorts throughout Europe and Scandinavia began to install salt rooms and offer Halotherapy as one of their restorative treatments.
Today, halotherapy rooms have been certified as medical devices and salt therapy has become a very popular and effective treatment for asthma, as it is non-invasive and 100% natural.
Research has shown that the effect of the dry, highly dispersible aerosol of natural rock salt and other factors of a microclimate have shown to cleanse the respiratory tract and the body as a whole. The size of the particles is the same as in a natural salt cave. Research on salt has shown that Halotherapy alleviates many bodily discomforts that we suffer from today.
Himalayan Salt tiles or bricks can be can used for building spa rooms, salt caves and for decoration of the walls and floors. A salt tile should be in front of the light source, which warms the salt. It irradiates a soothing light which also purifies the air. Relaxing in a Himalayan Salt room is a unique and tranquil experience. All you need to do is sit back and relax in a comfortable chair and retreat from the world as you breathe in the Himalayan Salt infused air. Cleanse your airways and let the healing power of Himalayan Salt touch your skin. Just like a day at the beach!
We have been serving the health industry, gyms, spas, sauna, construction companies and salt rooms for salt therapy. Himalayan Salt plates, slabs, tiles, bricks and blocks are handcrafted from the well-selected Himalayan Pink Salt boulders. These 250 million years old natural shaped salt boulders are 100 to 1000 kg and above in weight which are sliced into cubes, platters and planks and then finally carved by our expert craftsmen team to have their smooth top surface. Our Himalayan rock salt tiles, slabs and blocks are all unique and can be enjoyed as natural artwork to relieve respiratory illnesses, improve skin conditions and strengthen immune systems. Today, people of all ages can benefit from the natural healing properties found in Himalayan Salt through Halotherapy in a man-made salt cave to help in:
asthma treatment
seasonal allergies
sinus infections and sinusitis
cystic fibrosis
whooping cough
ear Infection
dermatitis, eczema, lupus, psoriasis, and acne
stress reduction
boosting the immune system
reducing chronic stress and fatigue
Himalayan Salt cooking plates and slabs are nature’s cooktop and serving platter in one, offers many creative culinary options while delivering the benefits of natural, pure salt with no chemicals or additives. Add extra sputter to your meals and enjoy the naturally delicious taste of Himalayan Salt with the Himalayan cooking plates and slabs. The Himalayan pink salt block is catching on for good reason. Not only do these colorful prehistoric crystals make healthier, tastier and more interesting meals, they’re also darn pretty to look at!
Himalayan Salt slabs impart their flavor to food, making them great for cooking directly on. These slabs bring dazzle and dramatic flair to every meal, enhancing the flavor of every food you place on it and salting your food to perfection - every time! These plates are not only artistically beautiful, but they are functional as a cooking board or as cooking stones when heated.
Foods placed on a Himalayan crystal salt slab take on a light, clean, naturally salty flavor while absorbing minerals necessary for good health and longevity. When placed on the Himalayan salt block for an extended period of time, thinly sliced fish such as salmon, tuna and whitefish will begin to cure from the salt, which acts as a preservative. Generally, a natural salt slab will add a hint of salty taste to moist or wet foods, but will have no effect on dry foods. For example, if you use your salt slab to serve cheese and crackers, it will lend a bit of saltiness to the cheese but the taste of the crackers will remain the same.
Chill it in the refrigerator for serving cold appetizers, cheese, sushi, salads, appetizers, fruits, or heat in the oven, on a grill or direct gas flame for cooking vegetables and thinly sliced meats, fish, poultry, or searing prawns and seafood, grilling nabobs, and for gourmet desserts that call for just a hint of good salt.
Himalayan Salt when mixed with water, creates an environment that mimics the most ancient seas on earth, bringing the magic of the Himalayas right into your own home. Imagine taking a dip in the pristine primal ocean, some 250 million years ago. When you soak in a Himalayan Salt bath, the minerals and nutrients in the salt are delivered to your cells in the form of “ions”, making it easier for your body to absorb and utilize them. Now you can relax, while your body absorbs the vital nutrients and your skin attains the soft glow of health.
Himalayan Salt Body Bath Crystals contains 84 essential minerals, more than any other bath salt, including magnesium, potassium, bromide and calcium which are readily absorbed into the skin during a 15-30 minutes bath. Himalayan bath salts are known to alleviate severe cases of dry skin disorders, psoriasis, eczema and acne. Dip into a Himalayan salt bath and it will stimulate circulation, hydrate the skin, increase moisture retention, promote cellular regeneration, detoxify the skin, improve its texture, tone and appearance and help heal dry, scaling and irritated skin all through natural exfoliation. In contrast to a normal bath in which moisture is extracted from the skin, a salt bath allows the salt to be stored in the upper callous layer of the skin and binds water. This maintains the natural, protective film of the skin and the skin does not dry out. It also reduces inflammation of the muscles and relieves pain, muscle cramping and soreness. Add Himalayan bath salt to a bathtub and fill the bath with warm water and add warm water as the water cools. Don’t be shy about how much you use Himalayan salt during bathing – the higher the concentration of Himalayan salt in the water, the more beneficial your bath will be. You may add essential oils to your bath to create a beautiful aroma and further assist the healing process.
For a mineral treatment, soak for around 15 - 30 minutes for a full-body detox. The cleansing effects of a 30-minute salt bath equals that of a three-day fast. The toxins are released into the bathwater through osmosis while the minerals from the salt are absorbed through the skin. This reduces the acidity in our body and balances the pH factor of our skin. Since ancient times, Himalayan bath soaks have been used to purify, relax, rejuvenate, and restore one’s balance. Himalayan Bath salt has such miraculous minerals that it can also aid in weight loss, insomnia, poor blood circulation, respiratory ailments, and bloating.
When you are done bathing, don’t rinse off in the shower – go straight from the tub to the towel. Take a decadent bath with Himalayan salt before bedtime for a long, relaxing uninterrupted sleep, and a softer, smoother skin when you wake up in the morning.
It has healing effects on foot fungus, wounds, skin irritations, insect bites, blisters and calluses. It also serves as a therapy to joint diseases such as rheumatism. People with back pain, arthritis, and minor work and sports injuries can use bath salts to get rid of all these pains. On the whole, bath salts have too much to offer and are widely known for instilling peace of mind.
Himalayan Salt massage stones are perfect for a back therapy or a painful knee. They are warmed up first and then put on painful spots. These are also used while exercising or practicing yoga. Himalayan Salt massage stone is an innovative healing technique using warm salt crystal stones to ground and balance the body’s electromagnetic field, central nervous system and meridians. Salt crystals from an ancient primal sea beneath the Himalayan Mountains are hand-carved into massage stones that gently soothe away an accumulation of stress, tension and pollutants bringing the mind, body and spirit, into balance. You can heat the stones on any dry heat source; heating pad, toaster oven, skillet, light bulb, in a low heat oven or into the microwave for 1 minute for perfect, penetrating heat that lasts a full hour, to create a radiant heat that penetrates deep into sore and achy muscles. The heat coupled with the nutrients causes the body to release toxins that may be blocking the blood flow in that area. To reduce inflammation, massage stones can be chilled quickly in the freezer for an effective anti-inflammatory treatment or sports massage.
Himalayan Salt soap bar is a healthier alternative than the alum stone. Salt soap bars are best for removing dull, dead skin cells to reveal younger-looking skin. They help in thoroughly cleaning skin pores, allowing your skin to breathe easier. It stimulates blood circulation and removes daily toxins from your skin. These 100% natural and pure soap bars help to regenerate new skin and keep it looking younger. It furthermore strengthens and firms the skin tissues. Used on wet skin, this soap helps with eczema or rashes and it leaves an invisible layer of protection that helps prevent odor-causing bacteria from forming.
The bars are pure from all the toxic pollutants compared to table salts, so if you heat them for massaging purposes, they tend to act as muscle and joint relaxants. They relieve pain and inflammation, so the user is completely stress-free. Himalayan Salts do wonder as compared to conventional massages and moisturizes the skin, cleansing the pores and giving a very sharp glow. Many Cosmetic Companies use Himalayan Salt as an ingredient for their facial scrubs and other skincare products.
The Salt Bar can be dipped in water and used to wash hands, as an underarm deodorant, or to apply to skin conditions. It must not be stored in a wet area or it will dissolve. It does not produce a lather. For those people who are sensitive or allergic to chemicals in soap and who need to wash their hands safely, this soap bar is a great natural antibacterial alternative. As a deodorant, it is free of chemicals such as aluminum and paraben preservative. Some people use them to wash their whole body.
Wash and dry the area to be covered. Wet salt soap bar and wipe over the required area thoroughly. Glide salt bar or press gently against your skin. Do not rub or use the way a traditional soap bar is rubbed against the body. The stone may break if dropped onto a hard surface such as a washbasin or bathtub, so stand away from vanity units when applying. After use, dry the stone and place it in a suitable receptacle.
Himalayan body scrub detoxes the body and renews skin with Himalayan Salt crystals. Boasting a spectrum of minerals and trace elements, Himalayan Salt crystals possess unique mineral ions to help equalize the body’s bioenergetic fields, stimulate cell regeneration, enhance lymphatic flow and induce a meditative sense of calm. A build-up of dead skin cells causes a rough, dull, aged appearance. Exfoliating the top layers of dehydrated cells promotes youthful glowing skin, as well as many other benefits. Rubbing your skin with a quality Himalayan salt scrub allows the texture of the salt scrub to exfoliate and refine the skin, leaving it clean and refreshed and rubbing away any dead skin cells that cause your skin to look dull. The fine salt grains cleanse pores unlike any soap or cleanser, allowing your skin to breathe easier.
A perfect item for spas, this Himalayan foot detox draws out toxins and impurities from the body, opens up pores and removes blockages from pores and gives you the desired relaxation.
These cubes won’t merely soothe the entire body, they’ll even soften the epidermis and also their warmth will help relieve stress and promote comfort for a long period. They also have been believed to aid with edema. It gently exfoliates, calms the palms and feet, and arouses the complete central nervous system.
Colour Therapy can be definitely an additional psychological benefit for the treatment. It creates a hierarchical state of awareness that allows to your most comfort. Himalayan Salt detox is both a pleasing, natural work of art and a powerful tool for rebalancing, revitalizing and gently cleansing the body and mind. it is also a soothing way to warm your hands and feet on cold winter days. The enjoyable sensation provided by the lamp, along with its visual stimulation, makes it a perfect gift for those you love!
Salt Dome Lamps help support circulation and reduce swelling in hands and feet. Foot carries the entire weight of the body and If toxins and residuals stay there, it will affect the whole body. Himalayan Salt Detox Foot Tray is a perfect tool to boost up the sauna detox effect and eases fatigue.
Salt Therapy Pillows are made entirely of natural Himalayan Salt crystals. Salt retains temperature exceptionally well, whether hot or cold. The pillow’s weight provides gentle pressure while comfortably conforming to the natural curves of the face and body. These large back and stomach therapy pillows are simple to heat and provide a soothing hot therapy treatment with warm, moist heat that penetrates your skin and works on your muscles and joints. Furthermore, these body relief pillows are ideal for relieving pain in the neck, shoulders, knees, spine and other areas. Therapeutic crystal salts, last indefinitely, are reusable and much more economical, safe, and direct than conventional medications.
Salt is considered to be the most important mineral required for wildlife, pets and all land animals, yet its importance is often overlooked in favor of other important minerals. Animals have a natural appetite for salt, and this ensures that they do not suffer from malnutrition and have properly working immune and reproductive systems. Himalayan Pink Salt Licks are natural and pure salt needed for the proper development and maintenance of bones, muscles, circulatory systems and even the nervous systems of animals. They contain up to 84 essential minerals and are an ideal source of bioenergetics.
A salt lick is a natural mineral deposit where animals in nutrient-poor ecosystems can obtain essential mineral nutrients. In an ecosystem, salt/mineral licks often occur naturally, providing the sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc required in the springtime for bone, muscle and other growth in domestic animals like horses, sheep, goats, cows, buffalos, camels, dogs, cats, chickens, deer, pets, zoo and wild animals.
Himalayan Rock Salt Licks are literally ‘rock hard’, which means that animals are unable to bite chunks off, a problem that can occur with the softer ‘pressed’ salt licks.
These licks are also more weather resistant, which means they can be safely left outside in the field for animals to “self-dose”. Salt licks are made in different weights and provided with a handy rope for easy hanging on fences and branches of trees in the pasture.
Cattle require salt each day for osmotic strain maintenance, acid-base balance, body-fluid balance, nerve transmission and lively shipping of amino acids, in addition to cell uptake of glucose provider protein. Sodium, as a part of salt, presents the bulk of alkaline reserve in plasma. Chlorine is essential for activation of amylase, the formation of gastric HCl acid and is crucial for respiratory system and blood pH. Himalayan Salt licks are the perfect salt nutrition and mineral supplement for animals and help in:
increasing milk yield
stoping cattle drinking their urine
reducing Cud Ball
balancing sodium-potassium ratio
reducing the risk of frothy bloat
hardening the hooves of animals
blood formation – boosts heat cycling (fertility)
utilizing feed better
muscles growth
regulating a healthy circulatory and nervous system
decreasing stressful behaviors such as constant licking, chewing on fences
enhancing cattle digestibility
strengthening immune system
optimizing rumen fermentation
increasing milk yields by 5-15%
developing shiny & healthy coats
restoring salt lost by animals via sweating in hot climates
increasing the sweating threshold
reducing animal drowsiness
increasing animal weight
increasing farm efficiency & productivity
diminishing nervous animal behaviors
Himalayan Salt Inhalers & Netipots are used to improve the symptoms of allergies, respiratory infection, asthma, smokers cough, dry cough and other respiratory ailments. Himalayan salt has many health benefits and its use is shown to reduce inflammation and allergies, kill bacteria, yeast and other micro-organisms that cause sinus and respiratory infections.
This portable alternative to salt caves or rooms is a dry, ceramic inhaler, with a salt chamber inside. The Himalayan Salt inhaler works by removing the fluid from the sinuses and cleansing and opening the nasal passage. The microscopic particles of the Himalayan Salt crystals in the salt inhaler are absorbed by the air and are penetrated into the respiratory tract thus relieving any kind of breathing difficulty.
Place your mouth completely covering the opening and breathe in deeply with your mouth and out through your nose. The deeper you can take each breathe, the deeper the tiny particles of salt can penetrate your respiratory system. The amount of salt that enters the lungs is so small that it does not affect blood pressure or cause problems with thyroid conditions sensitive to iodine.
Using the salt inhaler pipe for 15-25 minutes a day helps to flush away impurities we breathe in every day, as well as helping to heal and calm inflamed lungs and airways. Ex-smokers claim, it helps them restore lung capacity and they can tell the difference when using the salt inhaler daily.
Netipot is a vessel that is used for the home-based treatment of common cold, blocked nose or chest congestion. Ceramic netipot comes with Himalayan Salt and it is the best choice to clean out your mucus.
All you need is to fill the netipot with the solution of Himalayan Salt crystals. Bend your head and put the spout of the netipot into your nostril, pouring the solution by tipping it. Let all the Himalayan Salt solution in the netipot run through your one nostril and leave through the other one. Then remove the netipot and breath properly to get your nose clear. Now You will feel relaxed with comfortable breathing.